My Beloved Mom

I love my mom, so this page will be dedicated to her.
She's a mother(obviously) and a secretary at P.SJ.A.
Media Services Department.  I guess because of her job,
she "knows" people like hmm...lets say MR. CRON--who got
me in trouble for not going to class with my mom--and some of the
other teachers I have as well.  I figure my mom would want for
me to put in things like "ohh...she's the best mom in the world" and
"there's noone else like good ol' mom", but she already knows that
so that's something I don't have to put about her.  On her free time-
whenever she gets free time-she likes to watch movies, and of course
fall asleep during them.  She loves to read books about dreams and
anything else relating to dreams.  She also is in charge of walking my
fat dog 'Weiser'.  Oh yeah, how could I forget...she LOVES to buy and
scratch lottery tickets, and hopes to win big playing the Texas Lotto.
Another favorite of hers would be playing good old chalupa with the family.
There might be other things that she likes doing that I don't know about, but
I think this basically wraps it up for my mom.

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