My Lazy Brother

    ;Let's brother is a proud worker of...well if you
haven't guessed right now, then your never going to figure it
out.  My brother is one of those "I'm hungry, feed me and leave
me alone" brothers, well, I've lived with that for 17 yrs and counting.
But moving on my brother loves to do one of these three things:
Eat--Sleep--and well,
you can guess what's next.
It's like daily routine for him, wake up in the morning, take care
of his business, go to work, come home cranky and tired, sleep,
wake up and yell at me, eat, sleep some more, wake up and yell
at me some more, probably eat one more time, watch T.V., then get after
me for something stupid, then at last...sleep and wait for the next
day to come.  Oh yeah that's not all he does, lets say he doesn't work
the next day, he'll party out with his friends until 6:00 in the morning.

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